God I love your colour use here
God I love your colour use here
Phew, nice back :) good facial features also. I always love a good nose.
Omg the nostalgia....
Awesome design! Idk the fandom, but I do love a Cool Monster Guy. Also, the choice and distribution of colours are super appealing, and those pants are so rad.
Cool execution of this idea. I like the geometric kinda line quality here.
Nice colours, and cool design :)
Very cool distortion, I dig it.
Ay thnx, Aarix! Had a lotta fun with this.
I'm not familiar with the character, but I love how you drew the face. Feels both natural and stylised at once.
Cool, I dig the binary brush + halftone thing you got going on.
thank you!, i also really liked how the binary brush meshed with the heavy halftone.
Exquisite colouring and line control. This is so clean I thought it was digital for a sec, which just makes it that much more impressive. Awesome work.